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Getting creative has never been simpler with the addi2go app. Our app provides inspiration, tips and help for everyone – whenever, wherever. Download now, and let the fun begin!

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Press release

Here it runs like clockwork

The German magazine Burda reports:”Did you know that it takes up to 25 handwork steps to make a knitting needle? At the family-owned company addi, everyone knows that. Because knitting needles and crochet hooks have been produced here for almost 200 years…”

43 burda 0422
Mockup catalogue complete 2022
Everything new? Not everything, but a lot!

A whole new web presence – a journey into a new addi world.

730 2 addiClick Novel LACE SHORT Etui case Clicksystem 35 8mm 40506080100cm US 4 11 MadeinGermany frei1 rgb 2
addiClick Novel Lace Short Set
Die ergonomischen addiNovel Feinstricknadeln im viereckigen Design mit runden Kanten und Lace-Spitzen ermöglichen ermü…
noble key visual small
Only the best for your hands.

On these pages, you will find stylish knitting and crochet patterns plus information about exclusive materials and great ideas for amazing accessories.