
Running with addi at the 2024 company run in Lüdenscheid

Our addi runners gave their all at the company run and showed that we are not only quick with needles! An unforgettable day full of team spirit, energy and, of course, lots of fun.

Firmenlauf 2024 addi Laufmaschen Firmenlauf 2024,addi-Laufmaschen
Table of contents
addi Logo blau Teaser Platzhalter Firmenlauf 2024,addi-Laufmaschen
caution: data misuse

Uns unbekannte Personen nutzen offensichtlich Kontaktdaten, um E-Mails zu verschicken. Auf diese Personen haben wir leider keinen Zugriff, da es sich nicht um einen Hackerangriff handelt. Jedoch werden seit einigen Wochen werden diese betrügerischen E-Mails immer wieder wahllos verschickt und wir erhalten dazu viele Mails und Anrufe mit Rückfragen.

addiFan Merch Shop Spreadshirt Tassen 01 Firmenlauf 2024,addi-Laufmaschen
NEW: addiFan Merch shop

Choosing the perfect gift for all knitting and crochet fans is not so easy, but with the beautiful mugs, project bags, shirts or hoodies it is now very simple.

Now addi is always with you. Show that you are an addi fan and love our needlework needles Made in Germany!

Webinar Verkaufsargumtente 01 Firmenlauf 2024,addi-Laufmaschen
Webinar addi2go app functions

addi offers you and your customers a wide range of unique productsu and all in the usual high quality and of course ‘Made in Germany’.

It was a pleasure to be able to take you into the world of addi on 13 November and we hope that you were able to gain valuable insights into the following topics It was a pleasure to be able to take you into the world of addi on 13 November and we hope that you were able to gain valuable insights into the following topics.