addiMystic Lace circular knitting needle

SKU: 706-2

The elegant, mystically shimmering circular knitting needle feels wonderfully soft to the touch with its smooth surface.

Thanks to its solid tips, the hand flatterer is not only stable, it also impresses with its fine lace tips, which enhance the knitting of delicate patterns and fine yarns. The needle warms up wonderfully quickly in the hand - a feeling that will impress both metal and wood lovers.

  • Recommended for fine yarns and patterns
  • A perfect knitting needle for beginners and professionals
  • Recommended for knitters with a preference for a loose stitches.
  • Solid tips for heavy-duty use

Of course, Made in Germany.

Material: Aluminium colour anodised, brass casings and gold cord plastic

Delivery to the trade from August

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