
addi premium crochet hooks & sets, crochet accessories and high-quality crochet patterns. Because crocheting is simply more fun with high-quality needles. addi - Made in Germany since 1829.

Crochet basket with textile yarn and addiShapes

addi crochet hooks and accessories - luxury for your hands

addi has been manufacturing first-class crochet tools since 1829 - made in Germany. Our many years of experience allow us to offer a wide range of crochet hooks and corresponding accessories. We stand for quality, regionality and innovation in the field of crochet and are pleased to present our range to you.

addi Swing Ergonomic crochet hooks - For healthy and relaxed crocheting


Explore the revolution in crochet with the ergonomic addi Swing crochet hooks - a blessing for your hands and creativity! These unique needles have been specially designed to relieve hand, arm and shoulder strain so you can crochet for hours without fatigue. The addi Swing needles, known for their characteristic curved handle, offer optimal comfort and safe handling. They are available in different versions, including Mini for fine yarn crochet and Maxi with extra long hooks.
addi Swing needles turn every crochet project into a relaxed and healthy experience. Find out more about our ergonomic crochet hooks.

addiSwing Crochet Hook
addiNature Häkelnadeln aus Holz

Inspired by nature - crochet hooks made from sustainable natural materials

The addi Nature crochet hooks offer a harmonious combination of quality and materials that are pleasant to the touch. This needle series, made from woods such as bamboo, olive wood and walnut wood, is characterized by its uniqueness and naturalness. Each needle is unique, created through the careful selection and processing of high-quality woods. The addi Nature range thus combines traditional craftsmanship with modern demands on sustainability and design, ideal for all those who value quality and environmental awareness. Take a look at our range of addiNature wooden crochet hooks.

Crochet hook sets with practical cases

Cases for more organization of your crochet hook assortment. With the practical cases, such as the addiWrap case, you can organize your crochet hooks safely and neatly. Whether at home or on the go, with a case you always have the right hook to hand. The case can be filled with the classic addiColour as well as with addiNature olive wood crochet hooks or handleless hooks.

Crochet Hook Set

Inspiration for your crochet work - free crochet patterns

Ob Sie als Anfänger erste Schritte wagen oder als erfahrener Häkelprofi neue Herausforderungen suchen, unsere Anleitungen bieten für jeden etwas. Lernen Sie die Bedeutung der gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen und folgen Sie den Schritt-für-Schritt-Anweisungen, um vielseitige Projekte wie Schals, Topflappen oder sogar Geburtstagskarten zu häkeln. Jede Anleitung ist detailliert gestaltet. Sie benötigen lediglich die Grundausstattung – Häkelnadel, Garn, Nähnadel und Schere – und schon können Sie loslegen. Entdecken Sie Ihr Potenzial mit unseren kostenlosen Häkelanleitungen.

Häkel lernen – so gelingt der Einstieg

Wer sich zum ersten Mal ans Häkeln wagt, hat oft das Gefühl, dass es komplex und schwierig ist. Doch bereits nach den ersten Versuchen stellen sich Erfolgserlebnisse ein, wenn Sie die grundlegenden Maschen beherrschen. Unser Ratgeber Häkeln lernen für Anfänger führt Sie Schritt für Schritt durch alle wichtigen Grundlagen und gibt Ihnen nützliche Tipps und leicht nachvollziehbare Anleitungen – damit das erste Häkelprojekt garantiert gelingt.

Instructions crochet

Free crochet instructions

Discover the wonderful world of crochet and get inspired by our free crochet tutorials. Whether it's crochet jackets for ladies, cute crochet decorations, stylish crochet scarves or beautiful granny square tutorials - with us you will find high-quality, simple crochet instructions.