
Whether hats, scarves, cardigans, pillowcases or the Wolli family - knitting is child's play with the addiEi, the addiExpress and the addiExpress Kingsize. Even non-knitters simply turn the crank and have their first own knitted pieces created in no time.


Knitting child's play.
Professional knitting machines from addi.

With the manually operated knitting machines
addiExpress and addiExpress Kingsize knitting is
child's play. Simply thread the yarn and crank:

  • In round or straight shape
  • With a uniform knitting pattern
  • For beginners and professionals
  • Simple hats and scarves within 20 minutes - quick results are guaranteed

From hats to sweaters to bedspreads - addiExpress cranks it all.

Instructions for women, men, children and accessories

The Basic instructions with many tips for knitting with our knitting machines as well as many individual free instructions you will find on our website and in our „addi2go“ App.

You can find a variety of instructions with a detailed explanation in our Instruction books.

You can find even more inspiration sorted by language in different playlists in our YouTube Channel

Knitting is super easy with the addiExpress knitting machines. Even beginners will be proud of their works within minutes

addiExpress Kingsize instruction

Crank men's sweater "rotational symmetry

This sweater will keep you warm during your Sunday walk on cold winter days. Cozy warm sweaters are also appreciated by men. The sweater is composed of rectangles, which especially in combination with a gradient yarn gives a beautiful pattern effect.