Successful development

Partnership with influencers

A blogger meeting on September 20, 2017 at addi heralded a successful development in the collaboration with well-known bloggers and influencers in the needlework community.

herz rot 2 Influencer
Table of contents
addition Handler Bloggertreffen 2023 Influencer
addition Handler Bloggertreffen knittygitty alexstrickt kleinigkeitenliebe 2023 Influencer
addition 2023

addition - Bloggers and Traders Meeting

What do you call the meeting of bloggers, retailers and designers in the Sauerland? addition.

More than 30 participants met at addi for a factory tour and workshops last Saturday, 10.09.2023.

Conclusion: simply beautiful.

Addi proudly presents:

CraSy – Sylvie Rasch

CraSy is the

Sylvie Rasch is simply a creative jack-of-all-trades. For her, being creative is like breathing – she just can’t do any other way! Whether knitting, sewing, crocheting or cooking, new techniques and creative ideas just bubble out of her.

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crasy sylvie rasch foto influencerin bei addi scaled Influencer
Influencer Logo Carosfummeley Influencer
Profilfoto Caros Fummeley addi Blogger Influecer Influencer
Caros Fummeley - Caroline Prange

Without calculating, pondering and ribbing

Almost everything in Caro’s life revolves around yarns and needles for knitting and crocheting. She inspires her readers with it since 2015 on “Caros Fummeley”.

Judith Jelena Paus

Timeless designs, easy instructions!

Judith Jelena Paus is a knitwear designer and passionate creative. The bestselling author has been sharing her enthusiasm for timeless designs and simple knitting projects on social media since 2015.

Logo Logo Judith Jelena Paus DIY Influencer
Judith Jelena Lisboa Sweater stricken 03 Influencer
Veronika Hug Woolly Hugs Logo Influencer Blogger Influencer
Veronica Hug Blogger InfluencerVeronika Hug 17 scaled Influencer
Woolly Hugs - Veronika Hug

As simple as possible, as good as possible.

For crochet and knitting fans there is no way around her: Veronika Hug is a Youtube star, successful on Facebook and of course also analog on the go ;-). She has published countless books on various needlework techniques and as an editor is responsible for the success of many magazines.

Ms Line – Inga Borges

Favorite crochet applique and amigurumi

Inga Borges is a designer and founder of the label Woman Line. She learned to crochet before she started school - and hasn't let go of the needle since.

Frau Line Ina Borges Logo addi influencer Influencer
Frau Line Inga Borges Influencer
Ute Krugmann Logo addi influencer Influencer
Lockenperücke Anleitung Ute KrugmannUnbenannt Influencer
Mesh art - Ute Krugmann

Cultural projects to participate

Ute Krugmann has already worked as a designer in the textile and fashion industry for many years. But her heart also beats for art and culture in connection with mesh art.

Malamü – Kati Müller

Sewing and knitting camps and DIY workshops

She has been creative since she was a child and has been self-employed with her label for over 15 years. She loves making things and can explain how to do them so that anyone can understand.

Malamu Kati Muller Contentcreator Logo 2 Influencer
Profilfoto Kati Muller Influencer
Influencer Thorsten Dui Knit Influencer
Duit knit Thorsten Duit addi Portrait Influencer
Duit & Knit – Thorsten Duit

Learn complex knitting techniques in workshops

Thorsten Duit works as a knitwear designer and travels all over Germany as a lecturer to teach complex knitting techniques to knitting enthusiasts.

Alley stitches - Elke Hahn

Yarn bomber with passion

Since 2016 she travels through Germany again and again and installs small or big Yarnbombs in the cities where she stays.

Gassenmaschen Elke Hahn Yarnbombing Festival Logo addi influencer Influencer
Gassenmaschen Elke Hahn Elke Hahn Influencer
alexastrickt Alexandra Sakota Logo addi influencer Influencer
Alexstrickt Alexandra Sakota Blogger Profilfotos1 scaled Influencer
Alexstrickt - Alexandra Sakota

Avoid sewing separate parts together.

Alexandra is a designer of uncomplicated but fashionable accessories and garments for young and old. As a mom of two, she creates designs that are practical and suitable for everyday use, even for novice knitters.

Stine&Stitch – Kerstin Balke

Her big love: colorful socks with jacquard patterns and stripes

Starting in 2010 as a small blog for sewn and knitted things, Stine&Stitchis now an online store for sock knitters who are just as addicted to soxx as Kerstin is.

Stine Stitch Kerstin Balke addi Influencer
Kerstin Balke - Stine&Stitch addi
yarnaroundtheworld Fanni Mitula Logo addi influencer Influencer
1 Fanny HelloWorld 768x702yarnaroundtheworld Blogbeitrag Influencer
Yarn around the world - Fanny Mitula

Fanny travels around the world with addi

In summer 2019 addi started the project “with addi around the world” with Fanny from yarn around the world. DIY & crochet book author Fanny has constant wanderlust. She started her trip around the world at the beginning of August 2019. With her was a little backpack full of yarn as well as a selection of addi tools. In foreign countries she met other handicraft enthusiasts as well as addi products in local yarn stores.

keyvisuals DE addi luxus für die hände 2 Influencer
All contents in one place

Exciting stories, inspiring instructions and insights behind the scenes of addi – you will find all this clearly arranged on our blog. Just browse and dive into the addi world.

addi madein Germany Logo Platzhalter Influencer
addi products – Made in Germany

93% of the addi range is manufactured in Germany. addi is the only European manufacturer with a full range of knitting needles and crochet hooks. We are proud of this and would like to show you the advantages of manufacturing on site.

addi Produktion madeingermany polieren Influencer
Digital factory tour
Digital addi factory tour – a look behind the scenes

Where do addi needles come from? How are addi knitting needles produced and how many steps are necessary from the raw material to the perfect addi knitting needle? We always like to show this to our guests during factory tours here in Altena. Now we would like to give you a little digital impression of our production of knitting needles and crochet hooks.

cropped Banner Fangeflüster Newsletter addi edited Influencer

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