
addi has passed the Ökoprofit test

ÖKOPROFIT® (ÖKOlogisches PROjekt Für Integrierte Umwelt-Technik) is a pioneering and proven programme that supports companies and institutions in establishing sustainable practices and thus strengthening their own competitiveness.

Oekoprofit certificate Selter 2020 web
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Social Media Certificate Oekoprofit 2022
addi has passed the Ökoprofit test 2022

As early as 2020, we received the recognized and tested proof of practiced environmental and climate protection in companies. And thanks to the continuation of the measures and the introduction of further measures, we were again allowed to take the certificate in our hands in June 2022.

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Simply addi

addi needles and hooks are synonymous with excellence for knitting and crochet fans around the world.

Our addi philosophy: the origin of our products is always traceable. Fair working conditions, regional materials and quality are important to us.


Predicate family-friendly company
‘Family-friendly company’ award

In 2023, we were awarded the title of "Family-friendly company". In an intensive examination by a jury consisting of chamber and association members, we were able to impress in various areas. For example, addi stands for the compatibility of work and family, for a very close relationship between employer and employees, for fair cooperation and for respect and a resulting family-friendly mission statement.