addi crochet hooks in "The Knitter" special issue May 2016
"Good tools, good work - this also applies to crochet. The right needle for every project and every hand makes crochet easier and more enjoyable. We show you which needle types are on sale and explain the differences. All examples are from addi..."
This is how a detailed report on crochet hooks begins in the current special issue of "The Knitter", which presents our addi crochet hooks with great photos. This special issue of The Knitter features 180 crochet patterns plus 10 fashionable crochet models. The magazine is available in stores or at OZ-Shop to be ordered
A small excerpt from the special issue with the addi crochet hooks can be found under "News" "Press reports".
Link to the press report
"Good tools, good work - this also applies to crochet. The right needle for every project and every hand makes crochet easier and more enjoyable. We show you which needle types are on sale and explain the differences. All examples are from addi..."
This is how a detailed report on crochet hooks begins in the current special issue of "The Knitter", which presents our addi crochet hooks with great photos. This special issue of The Knitter features 180 crochet patterns plus 10 fashionable crochet models. The magazine is available in stores or at OZ-Shop to be ordered
A small excerpt from the special issue with the addi crochet hooks can be found under "News" "Press reports".
Link to the press report