addi sock wonder contest with Handmade Kultur magazine

Enter the great addi sock wonder contest now, which addi organises together with the Handmade Kultur magazine. addi is giving away 100 addi sock wonder needles in the process and then wants to see photos of the socks made using the hashtag #addisockwondercontest.
You can enter the addi “sock wonder contest” competition now on the Handmade Kultur website.
Natürlich können auch alle teilnehmen, die schon ein „Sockenwunder“ zuhause habt.
Photos can be uploaded on the website of Handmade Kultur.
We look forward to receiving lots of entries and even more to seeing the sock photos knitted with the sock wonder!
Enter to win an addi sock wonder here:
Handmade culture
Upload sock pictures on Handmade Kultur (click)
Conditions of participation as PDF (click)
Apply on Handmade Kultur for an addi sock wonder (click) - finished -
Enter the great addi sock wonder contest now, which addi organises together with the Handmade Kultur magazine. addi is giving away 100 addi sock wonder needles in the process and then wants to see photos of the socks made using the hashtag #addisockwondercontest.
You can enter the addi “sock wonder contest” competition now on the Handmade Kultur website.
Natürlich können auch alle teilnehmen, die schon ein „Sockenwunder“ zuhause habt.
Photos can be uploaded on the website of Handmade Kultur.
We look forward to receiving lots of entries and even more to seeing the sock photos knitted with the sock wonder!
Enter to win an addi sock wonder here:
Handmade culture
Upload sock pictures on Handmade Kultur (click)
Conditions of participation as PDF (click)
Apply on Handmade Kultur for an addi sock wonder (click) - finished -