Cheque handover September 2024

addiChristmas cheque handed over to the Balthasar hospice

The time has come - the addi team hands over the first cheque of the addiChrismtas fundraising campaign to the Balthasar Children's and Youth Hospice.

With our new Christmas needle, we launched a campaign at the beginning of the year. addi donates €0.50 per needle sold to the Balthasar Children's and Youth Hospice - a donation from the heart from the Sauerland, to the Sauerland.

16.09.24 Spendenubergabejpg addiChristmas Scheckübergabe
Table of contents
Kat Umschlag Motiv Nadelwald e1710262056381 addiChristmas Scheckübergabe
Presented at the trade fair h+h cologne
addi novelties 2024

Discover the latest innovations in needles and crochet hooks from addi. Once again, we have listened to the wishes of knitting and crochet enthusiasts and have come up with some very special new products.

Predicate family-friendly company
‘Family-friendly company’ award

In 2023, we were awarded the title of "Family-friendly company". In an intensive examination by a jury consisting of chamber and association members, we were able to impress in various areas. For example, addi stands for the compatibility of work and family, for a very close relationship between employer and employees, for fair cooperation and for respect and a resulting family-friendly mission statement.

addi Handarbeitsnadeln Herz Anleitungen addiChristmas Scheckübergabe
Free instructions

Tauchen Sie ein in die wunderbare Welt der Handarbeit! Unsere umfangreiche Sammlung von kostenlosen Strickanleitungen, Häkelanleitungen oder Anleitungen für Strickmaschinen bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten zu jedem Anlass.