Finally, the time has come again!

addi at the trade fair h+h cologne 2023

Finally, the time has come! The unique and creative industry meets again. We look forward with anticipation to this year’s handicrafts fair h+h cologne, which will take place from March 31st 2023 to April 2nd 2023 at the exhibition center of the city of Cologne.

addi hh cologne trade fair participation 2023 addi at the h+h cologne 2023
Table of contents
Peace Tree Haekelanleitungen1 addi at the h+h cologne 2023
Crochet instruction

Crochet heart

A quick crochet heart - perfect for lovely greetings that are understood in any language and don't need words. An instruction by Sylvie Rasch.

Crochet instruction

Crochet butterfly pendants – 3 variants

A small, simple butterfly in 3 variants – conjured up in a few minutes with a crochet hook. Pattern with video tutorial by Sylvie Rasch.

Peace Tree Haekelanleitungen 3 addi at the h+h cologne 2023

We look forward to welcoming you at our new booth!

addiExpress Schal kurbeln Judith Jelena 01 addi auf der h+h cologne 2023
addiExpress video tutorial
addiExpress scarf cranking for beginners

The perfect beginner's project! The two-tone scarf made of airy mohair is impressive in every colour combination and is super quick and easy to knit on the large addiExpress Kingsize knitting machine.

Watch Judith Jelena's video tutorial to learn how it's done.

addiExpress striped hat winding
addiExpress Kingsize instruction
addiExpress striped hat winding

Eine stretchige Ringelmütze mit zwei unterschiedlichen Seiten – von der einen Seite ist die Mütze gleichmäßig geringelt, von der anderen Seite werden die Streifen immer breiter.

addiExpress Weihnachtskugeln 03 addi auf der h+h cologne 2023
addiExpress instructions
Last-minute baubles: knit Christmas baubles

Lust auf neuen Baumschmuck? Kurbel dir einfach eine wollige Hülle – undurchsichtig oder transparent, schlicht oder mit Glitzer – diese Anleitung eignet sich perfekt zum Verarbeiten von Wollresten.

Filled with Christmas baubles or filling material, individual tree decorations are created in a new guise.