History - a review

Anniversary Thomas Selter

Where has the time gone? – that’s what Mr. addi, Thomas Selter, thinks. Because on 01.12.2021, he celebrated his 50th anniversary of service at addi. He looks back on a long career of success, which he celebrated well-deservedly in a small circle with his employees!

TS in front of company building Anniversary Thomas Selter
Table of contents
Cashmere Pullunder stricken "Ariane" by Lang Yarns
Knitting instructions
Knit cashmere slipover ‘Arianne’

The elegant cashmere slipover is knitted in one piece from top down. This means that no subsequent sewing is necessary.

An everyday companion in a timeless cut, perfect for spring and autumn. A pattern by Lang Yarns.

addiExpress Schal kurbeln Judith Jelena 01 Jubiläum Thomas Selter
addiExpress video tutorial
addiExpress scarf cranking for beginners

The perfect beginner's project! The two-tone scarf made of airy mohair is impressive in every colour combination and is super quick and easy to knit on the large addiExpress Kingsize knitting machine.

Watch Judith Jelena's video tutorial to learn how it's done.

addiExpress striped hat winding
addiExpress Kingsize instruction
addiExpress striped hat winding

Eine stretchige Ringelmütze mit zwei unterschiedlichen Seiten – von der einen Seite ist die Mütze gleichmäßig geringelt, von der anderen Seite werden die Streifen immer breiter.