addiClick Connector-Set, short+long

SKU: 6577000-000000

NEW: now as a set with a short (45 mm) and a long (85 mm) coupling. The perfect connector between two cords for even more stitches.

The coupling fits as a connector to all addiClick cords.Ideal for transferring stitches to another cord, for closing in the round to try on a piece of knitting or for extending several cords. The short connector is particularly suitable for closing short addiClick cords in the round. This makes it much easier to take off and try on sleeves and small diameters.

Material: Brass white bronzed


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Brass white bronzed
Fixed stitches, extension of cords

Set of 2 couplings, short and long

The prices are net prices. The currently applicable sales tax must be added.
total 21,90 
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