addiExpress Hook Stitch Helper

SKU: 8897000-000000

The tool that belongs in every knitting machine tool box. Stitches that have fallen off can be easily placed back onto the machine using the hook.

Our addiExpress Hook is a super accessory for all cranking fans. It’s especially well suited for working with the addiExpress machines or for use with complex knitting and crocheting techniques. If a thread has slipped, then you can use the hook to quickly put everything back in the right place, and with both sides you can reach all of the threads in and around the machine. For example, you can use it to cast stitches on or off again – and it’s actually easier than with your fingers, so a real multitool.

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Metal hook with plastic handle
Tool for addiExpress machines
The prices are net prices. The currently applicable sales tax must be added.
total 3,31 
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