addiExpress Kingsize knitting machine

SKU: 8902000-000000 Strickmaschinen für noch mehr Möglichkeiten und noch größere Strickstücke. Attached to the table in a few simple steps, flat and circular knitted pieces succeed in no time. Socks, hats, bedspreads, runners, anything is possible. Mechanical counter included.

The addiExpress Kingsize is perfect for large projects such as clothing or home accessories. With it, large areas can be winded in no time at all.

Download basic instructions for addiExpress Kingsize here

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plastic, metal
Round knitted pieces up to 35 cm in diameter, straight knitted pieces up to 45 cm wide, jumpers, scarves, hats, jackets, cushions, see books on this subject

Knitting performance:

  • 46 needles
  • Circular knitting: ca. 13.8″ (35 cm) diameter
  • Plain knitting: ca. 17.7″ (45 cm) wide
  • Yarn size: needle size US 6 – 11 (4 – 8 mm)
The prices are net prices. The currently applicable sales tax must be added.
total 101,90 
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