addiNature Olive Wood crochet hook

SKU: 577-7

Each needle is unique, created by nature. Each olive wood handle has a unique grain, which is particularly accentuated by the natural vegetable oil.

The olive wood handle is ribbed above for a better grip. This creates a hand caress that you will never get enough of.

The specially developed extra-pointed head with an extra-deep notch makes crocheting even easier.

Made in Germany, of course.

Material: Handle made of natural olive wood, hook anodised aluminium pearl grey

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Olive wood with aluminium hook
Potholders, dishcloths, hats, jumpers, jackets, gauntlets, gloves, scarves, shawls, blankets

15 cm | 2,0-6,0 mm | Size 3,25 mm and 3,75 mm on request
17,5  cm | 7,0-8,0 mm

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