addiPremium Lace circular knitting needle

SKU: 775-7

The subtle difference. Fine yarn can be knitted very well due to their fine tips. The stitches glide perfectly with their smooth surface and fine transitions. Picking up stitches is a joy thanks to the longer tips. For better recognition, the lace needles also come with red, printed cable.

Of course, Made in Germany.

Material: Brass tips (125 mm) white bronzed with two lace tips and red addi rope

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White-bronzed brass tips, plastic rope Tip length: up to 50 cm = 90 mm, from 60 cm = 125 mm
40-60cm sleeves, children's clothing, turtlenecks, hats; 60-150 cm shawls, scarves, jumpers, jackets

40-150 cm | 2.0-8.0 mm

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