Instruction book: Tourner la manivelle Tricoter, FR

SKU: 8970000-000000

The brand new addiExpress Kingsize book contains great new knitting instructions for sweaters, hats, scarves, home decoration and a lot more – all done with the knitting machine . The knitwear designer Ute Krugman has created 24 wonderful , exclusive models . The yarns are a long term offer of the manufacturers . From summer jumpers to children room carpets and home decoration is something in there for every fan of the addiExpress Kingsize knitting machine . The beautiful new imagery and detailed instructions make the book a real inspiration for the next christmas presents.

Look into the book

This book is also available in english: Winding instead of knitting

and in german: Winding instead of knitting

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The prices are net prices. The currently applicable sales tax must be added.
total 9,95 
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