addiExpress and addiExpress Kingsize

addiExpress Basic Instruction

With the addiExpress, knitting becomes super easy and comfortable: Knit quickly round or straight – just turn the crank!

Even beginners will be proud of their work within minutes: on scarfs or patchwork sweaters and vests, on cuffs for arms or legs, on small items like cell phone holders, eggwarmers and even socks. The addiExpress has a practical needle holder and a row counter.

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Table of contents

This is how it works:

Step 1
Screw the four legs into the designated holes on the bottom.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 2
Place the addiExpress Kingsize at the edge of the table and affix it with the two support clamps.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 3
To set the line counter to 0, turn the black knob.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

All 22 Needles (Professional) or 46 needles (Express) are used.

Step 1
For circular knitting put the operating switch downwards.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 2
Pull some of the thread off and through the middle of the addiExpress until it touches the table. Then wrap the yarn around the black needle on the right. (There are three needles, a left, middle and right.)
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 3
Start slowly turning the handle clockwise, while doing this, alternate the position of the yarn from in front of to behind of the rising needles.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 4
When you reach the first black needle again (the right one), the yarn runs outward.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 5
Open the yarn holder by pushing it open to the left. Place the yarn halfway.
To start it is essential to close the yarn holder to avoid damages at the needles.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 6
Whether you place the yarn halfway or entirely into the yarn holder, depends on the yarn. It should run smoothly.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 7
You can now begin. Do not use force while turning the handle clockwise – it must feed smoothly. If you have the feeling that the stitches are not positioned on the needles tightly enough, simply pull at the bottom of the knitted piece.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 8
When you have reached the desired lenght of your item you have to cast off: Cut the yarn off to 35 inches, pull it through the yarn holder and thread it into the plastic needle.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 9
While slowly turning the handle go through each of the stitches alternating from going through the front of and back of the lowered needle. The suture retainer must remain closed during this time, as otherwise the needle may become damaged.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 10
You must do this to the right of the yarn holder. Your item is done when all stitches are cast off.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

19 (Professional) resp. 43 needles (Kingsize) are used.

Step 1
Make sure that the operating switch is up. Pull some of the yarn off the ball and through the middle of the addiExpress until it touches the table.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 2
Now turn the handle backwards and start with the first white needle to the left of the black needles. (The black needles are not used for plain knitting).
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 3
Start turning the handle slowly clockwise; while doing this alternate the position of the yarn from in front of to behind of the rising needle. This is done until you reach the first black needle.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 4
After the first black needle, the thread runs to the outside. (This stitch falls off again later and can simply be pulled tight.) Then continue as for circular knitting (steps 5 + 6).
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Part 5
The difference to round knitting is that you turn the handle for-wards and backwards. Each end of a row will be shown by a stop of the winding. Always turn the handle until it stops.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

Part 6

In order to cast off follow the steps 8 to 10 of circular knitting.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 1
The addiStopper allows you to personally set the web width for a fast and clean finish.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 2
Application: Set the stopper to the left of the counter 4 needles behind the start position you want. Position the stopper on the right 2 needles right of the end position you want.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
Step 3
Example: For 16 stitches in plain knitting you use needles 15 to 30. The stopper is moved 4 needles to the left of the counter (between needles 34 and 35). On the right you set it 2 needles further, so between needles 12 and 13.
ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine
For bevels, stitches can be sliped.
Step 1
For the stitch that will not be knitted, the thread is placed behind the hook.
Step 2
Continue winding 2 to 3 hooks. Now lift the stitch with the needle on an extra thread.
Step 3
The thread must now be lifted again in front of the hook that is no longer to be knitted.
Step 4
When cranking back, make sure that the wool thread is under the red shaft. Then continue cranking as usual.
Finally, pick up the stitches from the extra thread and then cast off.
The following describes the stitch increase for the left side. For the right side proceed in the same way, but start to the right of the black needles.
Step 1
Attach: insert the thread behind - in front - behind the 3 needles to the left of the black needles. Place the thread in the thread guide.
Step 2
Then crank in the opposite direction until you stop.
Step 3
Crank forward again until the last hook to be knitted is at the bottom. Then crank backwards again until you stop.
Step 4
Increase: Place the thread around the next free needle and crank back again.

Increases are quite easy to do (see above), decreases are not. Especially when several st are to be decreased in 1 row. For this it is better to cast off the knitting and knit the decreases manually with the knitting needle.

You should therefore carefully consider the direction of knitting:
it often makes sense, for example, to start a front part of a sweater from the top and a sleeve from the bottom.

It is very easy if you want to increase only 1 st on the side edges:
Simply crank on by 1 st more than the existing knit. Then make sure that the yarn jumps around the next red latch after the newly occupied needle (otherwise the newly occupied needle will not knit off any stitches!). Then continue knitting.

If more than 2 stitches or more are required at one time in increases, proceed as when casting on stitches directly on the machine:
On the 1st needle, place the yarn in front of the needle, and on the 2nd needle, behind it, always alternating. Repeat this process until the desired number of further increases has been made.

Before knitting the back row always make sure that the thread is around the red latch of the last occupied needle.
Otherwise it will not be knitted off.

Tips and tricks

  • To knit with more than one colour, just tie
    the two yarns together. Be careful to make a proper, tight knot.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Lay the ends of both yarns, one behind the other, in a cross.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Place your left thumb on the point where the yarns cross.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Then make a loop with the thread in your right hand around its own end.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Now take the end of the other colour. Lay it over the right-hand thread of the loop and pull it through under the left-hand thread.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Remove your thumb from the loop and pull the knot really tight. Cut the yarn end off near the knot.
    When knitting it in, position the knot in such a way that it does not sit on a needle.

ANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

This method usually creates
neater joins.

At the end of a row or a round, the previously used ball is taken out of the yarn holder and placed in the middle of the machine.
The ball with the new colour is inserted into the yarn holder and knitting continues in the usual manner for machine knitting.
For repeating stripes, the two balls are crossed once after each turn (=2 rows) so that no loose hanging threads remain on the side – just like when knitting by hand.
After finishing the knitting or after casting off, it is advisable to tie the free hanging threads together and then sew them up.

You can use any yarn, even “flamed” ones, including yarn grades of different thicknesses.

We recommend for the addiExpress yarn sizes for needle sizes 4 – 8 mm. This is only a guideline. Not every yarn structure will crank well, try what works well for your project.

Mehr Infos weiter unten.

Always knit an odd number of rows,
because knit stitches are better for casting off (1st row = immediately after stopping).

The maximum width for knitted pieces, knitted in rows, is 43 st. If wider pieces are needed, the knitted piece is divided into strips, which are sewn together later. Please allow a seam allowance of 1 st on both sides for sewing together.

Idea 1: It is best to use a knitted piece that fits well as a basis and take the cut and the measurements from it. Calculate the stitches and rows accordingly. Always allow 1 additional st per edge for seam allowances.

Idea 2: Take cutting instructions from needlework books that provide for your own desired size and calculate the required number of stitches and rows according to the gauge.

All our addiExpress instructions contain sketches with measurements that can be used to change the size.

If knitting mistakes should happen, it is best to cast off the knitting completely. Pick up the st on a circular needle and either correct the knitting mistake directly (e.g. drop the chain stitch and crochet it up again with the crochet hook) or unpick the knitting until the row or round with the mistake is undone.

Make sure that the knitting yarn is now on the wrong side of the right knitting side. (The wrong side of the knitting is visible on the inside when knitting in the machine). Then, using the addiExpress hook, lift stitch by stitch, starting from the right and working to the left, back onto the machine’s individual needles.

Please note: When producing a wedge or narrower ribbons, only every 2nd row is counted up to the 16th stitch.


You can cast on stitches directly with the machine, which gives an elastic but not particularly attractive edge.
Casting off or sewing the end edge on the machine is also very time-consuming and requires a lot of concentration. 

One fairly simple solution is to knit a few rounds first with spare yarn (you can use it to knit the beginning stitches directly on the machine), which is removed later.

Continue knitting with the main yarn you want. After the last row knitted with the main yarn, knit a few rows again with a spare yarn. Then “cast off” the knitting, which means knitting back and forth once without yarn.

The clean finish at both the beginning and end goes like this: pick up all stitches of the first and last row in the main yarn with a circular knitting needle, then remove the spare yarn.

The clean finish at both the beginning and end goes like this:

Pick up all stitches of the first and last row in the main yarn with a circular knitting needle, then remove the spare yarn.

Now loosely cast off the edge with needle no. 6 using the main yarn.

addiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machineaddiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

If you want the edge to look elastic but still neat, use a blunt coarse embroidery needle to stitch down the edge:

  • Step 1 - Push the needle from the back to the front between the first (right) and the next stitch, pull the yarn all the way
    through and pull moderately tight.

addiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Step 2 - Push the needle through the 2nd stitch as for right-hand knitting and tighten.

addiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

  • Step 3 - Push the needle through the 2nd stitch as for knitting.
    Let the stitch slide off the needle and pull tight.

addiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

Repeat steps 1-3 until there is only 1 st left on the needle. Pull the thread through. Finished!

Use crochet hook size 4.5 or coarser to crochet off:

*1 st with slip stitch first, and then 1 chain stitch.

Repeat from *.

addiExpress InstructionANL Basic course addiExpress,Instruction addiExpress,Knitting machine

Trouble shooting

… the mode switch is set to
“Plain knitting”.

… the thread has not been inserted properly. In which case simply start again, following the instructions.

… remnants of yarn are stuck between the needle and the shank. These can be plucked out using the plastic needle or a pair of tweezers.

… the handle was turned too fast.
… the yarn was held too loosely.
… the yarn was not properly caught on the needle.

So always watch the run of the yarn when knitting. In this case, simply pick up the stitches again with the plastic needle (as you would in normal knitting) and pull it over the needle.

… the knitting yarn is set up too tightly. Remove the yarn and thread it back again. Hold it loosely as you do so and unwind the first few centimetres from the ball before you knit the first row.

… the needles are damaged. Replace them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

… the yarn has slipped over the needle heads and must be properly repositioned.

… loosen the 4 ring holder screws with a precision screwdriver, carefully lift the black ring holder, unscrew the two inner screws and remove the high black cylinder.

Now gently lift out the damaged needles, replace them with the needles supplied and put the pieces back together in reverse order.

Yarn recommendations and tips:

Tips and tricks

Which yarn to use with the addiExpress knitting machines

Not every yarn is suitable for processing with our addiExpress knitting machines. The gauge, material and fiber type should match so that the yarn delivers even and beautiful results.

This article explains which yarns are best and what you should look out for.

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addiExpress knitting -cranking
Welche Wolle für die addiExpress Strickmaschinen

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