Tips and tricks for crocheting

Choosing the best crochet hooks for beginners: a guide

Welcome to the world of crochet! The wide range of different crochet hooks can be particularly confusing for beginners.

This guide offers comprehensive advice on finding the ideal crochet hooks for beginners for various needs and preferences.

Choosing a crochet hook to suit you is crucial to making this hobby fun in the long term!

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Table of contents

When our clients buy addi needles,
they get the best quality. Because, with the help of these,
crocheting is much more fun.


Simply addi

addi needles and hooks are synonymous with excellence for knitting and crochet fans around the world.

Our addi philosophy: the origin of our products is always traceable. Fair working conditions, regional materials and quality are important to us.


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Crochet hooks
Crochet hooks
Quality needles from Germany
Crochet hook range

Experience the ease of crochet with high quality crochet hooks specially designed for your needs.

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Most common mistakes in crochet and how to avoid them.

All beginnings are hard. But don’t worry, these simple tips will get you up and running with the fun of 3D crochet quicker than you think.

Butterfly crochet in 2 colours with addiNature Olive Wood
Instructions crochet
Free crochet instructions

Discover the wonderful world of crochet and get inspired by our free crochet tutorials. Whether it's crochet jackets for ladies, cute crochet decorations, stylish crochet scarves or beautiful granny square tutorials - with us you will find high-quality, simple crochet instructions.