Cultural projects to participate
Ute Krugmann has already worked as a designer in the textile and fashion industry for many years. But her heart also beats for art and culture in connection with mesh art.

So she uses every opportunity to give space to this love as well. Either with designs for knitting and crochet instructions or for projects in a dynamic group - the Maschengilde.

So she uses every opportunity to give space to this love as well. Either with designs for knitting and crochet instructions or for projects in a dynamic group - the Maschengilde.

Ute Krugmann is the founder and director of the Maschen-Gilde Osnabrück. Under this label, she offers "cultural projects to participate in. Since 2011, the group has been performing in changing lineups with textile art and actions in public spaces.

Ute Krugmann is the founder and director of the Maschen-Gilde Osnabrück. Under this label, she offers "cultural projects to participate in. Since 2011, the group has been performing in changing lineups with textile art and actions in public spaces.
It is about both knitting and crochet graffiti, Yarnbombing in city centers, crocheted portraits, faces, mandalas, quirky costumes or hairstyles, but also open-air exhibitions in public gardens. Cultural institutions and agencies appreciate this wealth of ideas and often invite the Maschengilde to events.

It is about both knitting and crochet graffiti, Yarnbombing in city centers, crocheted portraits, faces, mandalas, quirky costumes or hairstyles, but also open-air exhibitions in public gardens. Cultural institutions and agencies appreciate this wealth of ideas and often invite the Maschengilde to events.