Favorite crochet applique and amigurumi
Inga Borges is a designer and founder of the label Woman Line. She learned to crochet before she started school - and hasn't let go of the needle since.

In the meantime, Inga sells her own crochet patterns and blogs regularly about crochet, handicrafts and sustainability at www.frau-line.de. She lives in Münster with her husband and their little cat Moe. She spends most of her time there in her studio with a view of the countryside.

In the meantime, Inga sells her own crochet patterns and blogs regularly about crochet, handicrafts and sustainability at www.frau-line.de. She lives in Münster with her husband and their little cat Moe. She spends most of her time there in her studio with a view of the countryside.

Here she creates her designs and instructions and writes for her blog and various publishers. Crochet appliqué and amigurumi are among her favourite designs. And the rule is always: the more colourful, the better!

Here she creates her designs and instructions and writes for her blog and various publishers. Crochet appliqué and amigurumi are among her favourite designs. And the rule is always: the more colourful, the better!
In autumn 2021, her first book "Superheld*innen häkeln" was published by EMF. In 2022, the "Fairy Tale Crochet Book" and 2 volumes of the "Heroes of Childhood" series will follow.

In autumn 2021, her first book "Superheld*innen häkeln" was published by EMF. In 2022, the "Fairy Tale Crochet Book" and 2 volumes of the "Heroes of Childhood" series will follow.