Marketing package large

SKU: 8460000-000000

Giveaways and added value for your customers – with the great marketing package from addi you are well positioned.

Hand out stitch markers, pens or needle gauges to your loyal customers and offer them information about the addi brand. Knitting and crochet addicts can look forward to postcards with sayings or small instructions. This way, your customers have all the information they need at their fingertips and can buy the corresponding wool and addi needles right away.


6 × addi heart sticker
5 × addi keychain incl. shopping cart chip
5 × addi image flyer (also available separately)
5 × addi2go app flyer (also available separately)
7 × addi postcards mit Sprüchen (also available separately)
7 × addi postcards with instructions (also available separately)
5 × addi ball pen
100 × addiMarker stitch markers (also available separately)
10 × addiDimension needle gauge with cutter (also available separately)

cropped Banner Fangeflüster Newsletter addi edited Marketingpaket

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The prices are net prices. The currently applicable sales tax must be added.
total 15,00 
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