News around addi.
Whether it's the latest press releases, detailed product information, news about the company or from the dealer network, and current trends in the community - you'll find everything that's new and important here.

Uns unbekannte Personen nutzen offensichtlich Kontaktdaten, um E-Mails zu verschicken. Auf diese Personen haben wir leider keinen Zugriff, da es sich nicht um einen Hackerangriff handelt. Jedoch werden seit einigen Wochen werden diese betrügerischen E-Mails immer wieder wahllos verschickt und wir erhalten dazu viele Mails und Anrufe mit Rückfragen.

Pauline Dörr ist eigentlich schon immer teil des addi-Teams – schon im Bauch ihrer Mutter war sie täglich im Unternehmen unterwegs.

Liebe addi-Partner, sehen wir uns in Köln? In der Zeit vom 07. bis 09. März 2025 laden wir Sie herzlich an unsere Stände in Halle 11.2 ein.
Unter dem Leitthema „Crafting the future, eine Zeitreise mit addi“ erleben Sie mit uns eine faszinierende Zeitreise durch die Welt des Strickens und Häkelns.

Vom 07.-10.02.2025 ist addi zum ersten mal in diesem Jahr auch auf der Fachhandelsmesse Creative World in Frankfurt vertreten, die zeitgleich mit der Ambiente World und Christmas World stattfindet. Besuchen Sie uns in Frankfurt?

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and relaxed Christmas full of wonderful moments. May the new year 2025 bring you health, happiness and many inspiring ideas - and of course enough time to give free rein to your creativity.

Uns unbekannte Personen nutzen offensichtlich Kontaktdaten, um E-Mails zu verschicken. Auf diese Personen haben wir leider keinen Zugriff, da es sich nicht um einen Hackerangriff handelt. Jedoch werden seit einigen Wochen werden diese betrügerischen E-Mails immer wieder wahllos verschickt und wir erhalten dazu viele Mails und Anrufe mit Rückfragen.

Choosing the perfect gift for all knitting and crochet fans is not so easy, but with the beautiful mugs, project bags, shirts or hoodies it is now very simple.
Now addi is always with you. Show that you are an addi fan and love our needlework needles Made in Germany!

addi offers you and your customers a wide range of unique productsu and all in the usual high quality and of course ‘Made in Germany’.
It was a pleasure to be able to take you into the world of addi on 13 November and we hope that you were able to gain valuable insights into the following topics It was a pleasure to be able to take you into the world of addi on 13 November and we hope that you were able to gain valuable insights into the following topics.

„Voneinander lernen. Auch im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung und künstlicher Intelligenz ist der direkte Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrung zwischen zwei Menschen nicht zu ersetzen. Das gilt auch und insbesondere für die berufliche Entwicklung.“
So beschreibt die SIHK zu Hagen ihr Mentoringprogramm, an dem unser technischer Projektmanager Lukas Kirmes und Geschäftsführung Claudia Malcus teilnahmen.

Cranking workshop with AG Miteinander Elspe and addiExpress in October 2024 – an evening of cranking, cranking and more cranking.

On October 16, 2020, the addi team provided information about the popular addi2go app in an online webinar. The app offers countless functions for you and your customers for smartphones and tablets – it has never been so easy to always have materials, instructions, converters and notes with you.

On Friday, 13 September, a trainee fair took place at the Neuenrade Free Waldorf School. addi was there – with pumpkins, the way to the knitting needle and motivated addi trainees. The day was a complete success.

The time has come - the addi team hands over the first cheque of the addiChrismtas fundraising campaign to the Balthasar Children's and Youth Hospice.
With our new Christmas needle, we launched a campaign at the beginning of the year. addi donates €0.50 per needle sold to the Balthasar Children's and Youth Hospice - a donation from the heart from the Sauerland, to the Sauerland.

Solving puzzles to get to know the company and colleagues – in the last week, our addi apprentices spent a day getting to know the company, their colleagues and hidden corners of the building.
Do you know how many machines are needed to process brass tubes for the first time? These tubes are used to make our circular knitting needles.

The addi employees also need a holiday from time to time and are therefore taking a two-week company holiday from 22 July 2024 to 5 August 2024...

Our addi runners gave their all at the company run and showed that we are not only quick with needles! An unforgettable day full of team spirit, energy and, of course, lots of fun.

On June 5, our addi team provided information online in a webinar on our trade fair innovations for 2024 and answered questions about the new products.
Further webinars are planned. Non-binding registration.

What challenges do SMEs in South Westphalia face? Companies report first-hand to politicians! Relief from bureaucratic obstacles, securing skilled labour, an intact infrastructure: what are the prospects for these and other important issues for the economy in South Westphalia?

The number of Christmas trees on the wall for the fundraising campaign for the Balthasar children's hospice in Olpe was overwhelming.
As a result, the addi team was able to hand over a cheque for €600 to the Balthasar children's and youth hospice last week.

Even a few days after the trade fair, we are still very enthusiastic about the crowds at our stands during h+h 2024 in Cologne.

Welcome to the addi booth at the Handarbeit & Hobby trade fair from 22-24 March 2024

Welcome to the new year! We hope you spent the holidays in happy company.

The addi team says thank you and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2024!

Auf die Spitze getrieben – Die Handarbeitswelt hängt an den
addi-Nadeln von Selter in Altena. Nähe zu den Kunden schafft auch Social Media.

ATTENTION: Unfortunately, our company name with full address is obviously being misused and used for undesirable purposes.

The addi Advent calendar is produced every year exclusively for addi customers and employees. Every year, a few copies are left over, which are drawn by lot among all participants. With a bit of luck, you will soon receive a package from addi.

In 2023, we were awarded the title of "Family-friendly company". In an intensive examination by a jury consisting of chamber and association members, we were able to impress in various areas. For example, addi stands for the compatibility of work and family, for a very close relationship between employer and employees, for fair cooperation and for respect and a resulting family-friendly mission statement.

More than 30 participants met at addi for a factory tour and workshops last Saturday, 10.09.2023.
Conclusion: simply beautiful.

Peace greetings from all over the world, via Altena, into the world.
For the handicraft fair h+h cologne 2023 we invited our customers and visitors to crochet pendants all over the world and bring them with them. Now we have hung the wishful pendants in Altena.

Start your apprenticeship, your dual studies or your working student activity with us at addi.
On Friday, June 16, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the training fair "Date your firm" took place in Altena, hosted in the city center of Altena. Also the Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG and addi were also present.

The addi team needs reinforcement!
Since 1829 we have been producing premium handwork needles under the well-known brand name “addi” in Altena in the beautiful Sauerland region.

Our current catalog is now available as a new flip catalog - simply browse online - incl. flip rustle.

The Spanish needlework magazine “MERCERIA actualidad” reports about an addi novelty 2023. In English and Spanish.

Where do addi knitting needles come from? How are they produced and how many steps does it take to make the perfect needle? We are always happy to show our guests this on factory tours. On 06.05.2023 it is so far - we start again a factory tour, to which you can register this time also as individuals.

Finally, the time has come! The unique and creative industry meets again. We look forward with anticipation to this year’s handicrafts fair h+h cologne, which will take place from March 31st 2023 to April 2nd 2023 at the exhibition center of the city of Cologne.

You knit 1, 2 rows, crochet a few beautiful patterns and bang, the year is already over. A challenging year 2022 is coming to an end. It was different. A different year, a different summer and a different winter season...

A few days ago a big mysterious package arrived at addi ...

The Spanish needlework magazine “MERCERIA actualidad” reports about addi needles made in Germany. In English and Spanish.

Die Zeitschrift Burda berichtet: „Wussten Sie, dass es bis zu 25 Handarbeitsschritte braucht, um eine Stricknadel herzustellen? Beim Familienunternehmen addi weiß das jeder. Denn hier werden seit fast 200 Jahren Strick-und Häkelnadeln produziert und in die ganze Welt verschickt. Egal ob schlicht schöne Nadeln aus Bambus oder mit fancy Goldglitter…“

Everything new in May…or also in July. A sales manager was hired at addi on 01. July 2022.

The Spanish needlework magazine “MERCERIA actualidad” reports about addi needles made in Germany. In English and Spanish.

As early as 2020, we received the recognized and tested proof of practiced environmental and climate protection in companies. And thanks to the continuation of the measures and the introduction of further measures, we were again allowed to take the certificate in our hands in June 2022.

The Initiative Handarbeit supports needlework retailers with workshops at various locations - in September, for example, at addi in Altena.

The addi catalogue 2022 is now available online in various languages for download.

The Spanish needlework magazine “MERCERIA actualidad” reports about addi needles made in Germany. In English and Spanish.

With a heavy heart and after long, careful consideration, addi has decided not to take part in the handicraft fair in 2022.

Where has the time gone? – That’s what Mr. addi, Thomas Selter, thinks too. Because he celebrated his 50th working anniversary at addi on 01.12.2021. He looks back on a long career of success, which he celebrated well-deservedly in a small circle with his employees!

Happy New Year! This is what the entire addi team wishes you and your families. Hopefully you were able to recover well over the Christmas holidays and recharge your batteries for the new year 2022.

The year is almost over and at addi many hands are still busy with the final spurt. As in every year, the dispatch department is at its peak to supply our customers with goods at the end of the year. As if there were no more January

The Initiative Handarbeit supports needlework retailers with workshops at various locations - in September, for example, at addi in Altena.

Time to say goodbye. After 2.5 years in the service of addi, our Managing Director, Torsten Schneider, will be leaving our company on 31.12.2021.

At addi, the environment and careful use of natural resources are already firmly anchored in day-to-day business.

In the third week of Advent, we are giving away 1 addiCraSyTrio NOVEL LONG in the size of your choice.

In the second week of Advent, we are giving away 1 addiNature Novel walnut crochet hook in the size of your choice...

In the past year, addi has made considerable progress in three product improvements in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen at the Soest site...

Dear addi fans,
also this year we have a raffle in every advent week.
In the first week we will be giving away 1 x the brand new addiNovel Quintett in the size of your choice (3-8 mm).

For more than 20 years, we have held on to the tradition of the addi Advent calendars. Little Santa Clauses with funny sayings about addi products put a smile on the faces of our business partners every day for 24 days, sweetening their Advent season...

Knitting projects can look completely different, but are all created with the same tool, the knitting needle...

"Healthier living thanks to needlework" - is it true? Does knitting and crocheting help against memory loss? How is it all connected?
These questions are answered by Dr. Edda Jaleel, neuroscientist and on behalf of the project Sinnvoll unterwegs...

For the next possible date we need the strong arms of a Commercial Packers/Warehouse Clerks (m/f/d) in full-time...

The wave of immediate willingness to help after the flood disaster in Altena has been overwhelming and volunteers are still being found to offer their help directly on site. The willingness to donate is also enormous.

A big thank you to all addi fans for sharing the fate of our small town and the people affected. It has touched us deeply to experience so much willingness to help.
Many, many thanks for the great willingness to donate. Not only fans on social media, but also customers, suppliers and friends around the globe have sent monetary donations to help.

At addi, we will be taking a holiday in production from 19.07. - 30.07.2021 in production are on vacation. On the one hand, our employees are in desperate need of some rest after always having a 6-day week in shift system for more than a year...

For all international addi fans, the addi catalogue 2021 is now also available in Spanish and Russian for free download at www.addi.de/katalog/

Interchangeable circular knitting needles are totally practical. Being able to combine ropes and needle tips individually for each project brings many new knitting and crochet possibilities and also saves space:

The Spanish needlework magazine “Merceria Actualidad” reports about our new products and the addi2go app. In English and Spanish.

At addi, the Easter bunny was already there and left flowery greetings for every employee and hid some delicious chocolate eggs.

The adventure of the first digital trade fair h+h cologne @home is behind us. It was exciting, thrilling, new and showed us all that a lot is possible if you want it…

Report about addi Products in the Spanish „Merceria Actualidad“. english/spanish.

The trade magazine "Handarbeit" reports about our help for flood victims, about "Projekt Sinnvoll" whose sponsor is addi and about the new addiExpress book "Maritime Maschen kurbeln".

Dear addi fans,
not long now, then the time has come - from 26.03.2021 until 28.03.2021 the first digital needlework fair takes place and we are there! We come with our entire booth directly to your home...

The trade magazine "Handarbeit" reports on new possibilities for DIY projects and the addiApp.

The management team at addi has a new member since February 1st, 2021…

The trade magazine "Handarbeit" reports on the addiExpress knitting machines.

After a TV report about addi needles on German TV in January 2021, addi fans let us know on social media that they wanted to learn more about knitting needles and crochet hooks made in Germany…

Viereckige Nadeln, die keine Riefen in den Fingern hinterlassen. Ergonomie und Rundstricknadel für müheloses Stricken in einer Nadel vereint. Ein feines Maschenbild auch bei Anfängern und eine gute Haptik. Die Rede ist natürlich von dem Erfolgsprodukt addiNovel. Diese Stricknadel ist nun geschützt durch ein Gebrauchsmuster…

Giving young people a chance to be well equipped for the future. That’s what we’ve made our mission at addi …

Knitting is not as difficult as some might think. As soon as the stitch gauge, right stitches and the casting off of stitches is mastered, numerous beautiful knitting projects can already be realized…

Dear addi partners, the addi team says a very, very big thank you for your loyalty, your support, your orders, your understanding and for your friendship…

Thomas Selter, known throughout as Mr.addi, has actually been working for addi for 49 years. A long time, during which he has led the company very successfully and developed it into the quality market leader…

Report about addi Products in the Spanish „Merceria Actualidad“. english/spanish.

93% of the addi range is manufactured in Germany. The 6th generation owner-managed company is the only European manufacturer with a full range of knitting needles and crochet hooks… Full range of knitting needles and crochet hooks…

Vocational training has been close to addi’s heart for decades. At addi, we see it as an important task of companies to give young people a good chance for their professional careers….

The company addi, officially called Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG, has been around for 191 years. But everyone only talks about addi. Of course, this is also due to the strong brand presence…

For many years, and still a bit today, he has been a strong voice for the middle class….

With this summer sweater made of “BLOOM”, a pure natural yarn from LANGYARNS (70% cotton, 18% viscose, 12% linen), you’re guaranteed not to sweat…

“Thank you for the great webinar” – “Just a great idea!” – “Thank you so much for the webinar and for all the information” – “Thank you! Great content, confidently conveyed!” These are the feedbacks to the first addi webinar on Friday, 26.06.2020…

On June 30 and July 1, 2018, all Dahl clubs, associations and institutions will be on their feet to celebrate the 775th anniversary of the village together...

In 2016, the “Project Meaningful” was launched by Dr. Edda Jaleel (neuroscientist), Frank Montua (KKH), Thomas Jänisch (myboshi) and Simon Schier (plus H GmbH & Co. KG)…

Welcome to addi.
addi has been producing finest knitting needles and crochet hooksin Altena in a family business since 1829. Of course we do not only rely on tradition…

ÖKOPROFIT® (ÖKOlogisches PROjekt Für Integrierte Umwelt-Technik) is a pioneering and proven programme that supports companies and institutions in establishing sustainable practices and thus strengthening their own competitiveness.

Dear addi fans,
the patterns for this cute children’s set are provided free of charge b our partner LANGYARNS unti 23rd April…

Dear addi customers,
currently the demand for knitting needles and crochet hooks is very strong.

The Spanish needlework magazine "Merceria Actualidad" reports on the revolution in sock knitting: addiCraSyTrio. In English and Spanish.

Dear addi friends and partners,
the current developments surrounding the spread of the corona virus present us all with major challenges. We have to accept many restrictions, but we cannot do without them…

Even though everything is different this year and our big industry meeting, the „h+h cologne“, has unfortunately been postponed, we wouldn’t be addi if we let it get us down so easily…

addiNovel circular knitting needles - extra smooth, but textured and with a square cross-section - that's the verdict of readers of "The Knitter".

The nice thing about crocheting is that you don’t need much to start with this hobby.
Learning to crochet with the addi crochet hooks as well as a ball of wool is very easy...

Dear Sirs,
Dear partners and friends of addi,
We would like to inform you that this year’s fair „h+h cologne“ will be postponed to the date of next year’s event from 26th to 28th March 2021..

The trade magazine "Handarbeit" reports on the addi novelties 2020.

Since January 2020 the European patent for the flexible needle sets addiCraSyTrio needles has been finally confirmed and therefore the needles are subject to special protection…

Since June 2019, Torsten Schneider has strengthened the management of the family-owned company addi. This addition has set the course for a bright future. Handarbeit spoke with him about his start in the industry.

Interview with Dr. Edda Jaleel, neuroscientist and mental coach. She can provide scientific proof: Handwork is healthy.

93% of the addi range is manufactured in Germany. addi is the only European manufacturer with a full range of knitting needles and crochet hooks. addi products are characterised by the highest reliability and longevity…

The Spanish needlework magazine "Merceria Actualidad" reports on our innovative, angular circular knitting needle addiNovel. In English and Spanish.

In 2019, we did a lot to return to normal waters after the turbulence of the previous year, which we also succeeded in doing. We have invested a lot of money in new machinery and equipment, in a new power supply and not least in our IT landscape…

It’s time again. Also this year they are back – the popular raffles addiVent in every Advent week. addi fans can fill in the entry form on our website and with a little luck win a great addi product…

After many months of intensive preparation and high investment costs addi has now reached the home straight with another project of central importance for the future.

What possibilities does the internet offer to handicraft retailers? 20 retailers wanted to know and took the chance to go online with addi…

We have identified a manufacturing quality defect in the addi FlipStix/addiColibri US 6 (4.0 mm). As we work hard to ensure the highest quality products, our US exclusive partner Skacel has decided to institute a recall of this specific needle/size…

Giving young people a chance to be well equipped for the future. That’s what we’ve made our mission at addi …

Presentation of the new addiNovel circular knitting needle.
Report in Spanish and English.

In the time from 29.07. to 09.08.2019 you can reach us in the office, but the production stands still...

Torsten Schneider ist not an unknown face. We haven known him for years. Therefore, the addi team is happy that he found his way to us on 01.06.2019…

The addi team is happy about 10.000 follers at Instagram and thanks all addi fans with a lottery of instruction books with the matching knitting and crochet needles…

In 2016, the “Project Meaningful” was launched by Dr. Edda Jaleel (neuroscientist), Frank Montua (KKH), Thomas Jänisch (myboshi) and Simon Schier (plus H GmbH & Co. KG)…

The h+h fair in Cologne was once again very successful for the addi team and we arrived back in Altena exhausted but happy…

addi wurde 1829 gegründet und feiert dieses Jahr sein 190-jähriges Bestehen. In der Fabrik in Altena, Deutschland, produzieren 150 Mitarbeiter Strick- und Häkelnadeln „made in Germany“, die die lange Geschichte des Unternehmens widerspiegeln.
Report in Spanish and English.

Knitting at the future with the addiEi, the small knitting machine with 6 needles jerk crank knitting cords.

Whether Peter Heinrich Selter knew how to produce a crochet hook in 1829 when he founded the Selter company?

In 2019 addi, the needle specialist, will be welcoming visitors under the motto „Colour your business“. addi welcomes visitors to the h+h trade fair in Cologne at a colourful stand and once again has a colourful bouquet of new products in its luggage…

- Crazy ideas around the needle rattle
- Sewing with fun

addi takes a break. From 24 to 31 December 2018 our production will therefore be suspended

Much has changed and moved at addi in the past year. Now there is a change of personnel towards the end of the year…

Last time it was a big surprise. We didn’t even know the British Craft Awards and won the prize „Product of the year“ at the „British Craft Awards 2018“ with our popular circular knitting needles…

What can be more beautiful than shining eyes, when the Christmas present is unwrapped and a heart’s desire is fulfilled? …
There are many wonderful Christmas gifts under the addi brand, but the addiClick cases with the interchangeable tips have been a hit for many...
Report in Spanish and English.

Several thousand are sold and there are already first feedbacks to us. Many happy customers post examples of their work in blogs and social media…

addi is giving away 3 signed copies of the brand new book "CRASY TRIO knit...

Training and developing junior staff is important to us. That is why we at addi have been training industrial clerks for decades and have also been training machine and plant operators for some time…

addi is taking a company vacation from July 30, 2018 to August 10, 2018....

The German Innovation Award recognizes products and solutions across all industries that differ from previous solutions in terms of added value…

For 189 years, the Selter company has been relying on German craftsmanship with its now large range of knitting and crochet needles as well as accessories of all kinds…

The popular addiExpress and addiExpress Kingsize knitting machines have had an offspring in the form of the addiEi – for completely new knitting possibilities.

For almost 190 years, addi has been producing knitting and crochet needles at its site in Altena, in the beautiful district of Dahle.

addi, the handcraft needle specialist from Germany, continues on its successful path. At the h + h 2018 trade fair of Cologne, held in March, the line of people at addi’s stand was enormous…

The German book „Socken Stricken mit dem CraSyTrio“ (Knitting socks with CraSyTrio) – published by TOPP-Verlag – is placed on the Amazon bestseller list…

In issue 111 of the trade magazine “Merceria actualidad” from March 2018 there is a Spanish-English article about addi products at H&H Cologne 2018.

We didn’t see it coming!
We didn’t see it coming! addi has won the “Product of the Year” award for its popular circular knitting needles at the British Craft Awards 2018 in England…

At the handwork needle specialist "addi" are all of the socks, because this year the theme of sock knitting is at the top...

The needle specialist addi is still on the road to success. At the h+h cologne, the crowds at the booth were enormous – the strongest visitor magnet was the addiCrasyTrio.

Dear addi customers,
of course, we are looking forward to many new orders. Of course, we are very grateful that you give so much confidence in the quality of the addi needles and for entrusting us with market shares…

Maria, Rebecca and Malaika are waiting to be crocheted for the world championship crochet heroes...

On 26.4.2018, the next Girls' Day will take place nationwide and addi will join in...

Dear addi customers,
Due to inventory, we cannot work with our merchandise management system and there may be delays in order confirmations during the second week of January. We ask for you understanding…

In issue 110 of the trade magazine “Merceria actualidad” from December 2017 there is a Spanish-English article about the success of the addiCraSy Trio in social networks.

This year our customers and we had already magic moments at our booth at the h+h fair.

The „addivent“ Christmas raffle, which is very popular with all addi fans, is finished. Every Advent Sunday a new raffle of addi products started…

No crochet without a needle, that’s obvious. But besides the hook there are other tools that must not be missing when crocheting.

The question arises again and again whether the addi circular needles contain nickel. A very clear NO. We have been producing nickel-free needles at addi for over a year now…

On the following pages we will introduce you to the most common crochet hooks as well as practical tools that should not be missing on your crochet journey.
crochet journey!

In issue 109 of the trade journal “Merceria actualidad” of October 2017, there is a Spanish-English article about addi

Sandra from the German Blog „Meine fabelhafte Welt“ reviews her day at the first addi bloggermeeting in Altena in this 6-minute film. Thanky you Sandra, for the permission to show it here…

Back to the roots
Since 01.09.2017 Claudia Malcus has been working as Managing Director at addi. Again, one has to add. She was previously employed at addi for 27 years…

We’re sorry!
Dear customers, we didn’t expect this when we showed the new product addiCrasyTrio to about 20 bloggers on September 20,2017…

Wow, we have been overwhelmed by the first blogger meeting in our house. 24 bloggers accepted our invitation and travelled from all over Germany to Altena , a small town in the Sauerland region…

Now it’s getting crazy! Our new product: addiCraSyTrio

After a tour of the addi factory, visitors often ask what addi actually stands for. Other frequent questions include: how do we survive and flourish in the face of competition from Asia and other low-wage regions?…

We also need a holiday and that is why we shall be taking 2 weeks company holidays between 31st July 2017 and 11th August 2017…

Editorial for the Spanish handicraft magazine MERCERIA actualidad: 188 years ago, the Great Grandfather of the current owner Thomas Selter, started to transform wire into crochet hooks. That was in 1829…

The TV station RTL WEST recently visited addi here in Altena. For the TV feature "Knitting is in trend", company owner Thomas Selter gave a tour of the company and explained some of the work steps involved in the very elaborate knitting needle production...

addi new products for 2017 – h+h handicraft fair 2017 Please find here all addi novelties from the h+h fair Cologne 2017.

addi is in the midst of the long-term preparations of a new merchandise management system.

addi always listens to the wishes of the addi fans and tries – if possible and sensible – to implement the wishes. That is why we have reworked our slipcase for the addiSockwonder.

From 31st of March to 2nd of April 2017 the h+h 2017, handarbeit +hobby, will take place in Cologne and as every year addi will exhibit there.
The international exhibition is open for wholesalers and retailers only.

We have found the winners of our #addisockwondercontest in collaboration with the magazine Handmade Kultur.

In the Spanish magazine MERCERIA actualidad (December) you can find a Spanish/English report about addi needles made in Germany.

Grab your favourite yarn and get knitting. All owners of the addi Sockwonder needle can take part. You can knit your socks any way, from a round toe to the boomerang heel – let your creativity run free! Then your beautiful socks will be rewarded with great addi products….

We wish you a peaceful Christmas holiday and
a good start in a great year 2017.

‚+++ Congratulations Janine E. from the German town Otzberg! +++
In the 4th week of Advent you can win an addiClick Mix Set

Concratulation to Martina V.!
Every week during Advent, addi is giving away an original model from the book "Kurbeln statt Stricken"...

Congratulations from the addi team to Adriana M.!
Every week during Advent, addi is giving away an original model from the book "Kurbeln statt Stricken"...

Enter the great addi sock wonder contest now, which addi organises together with the Handmade Kultur magazine…

The small circular knitting needle “addiSockwonder” is measured from tip to tip a whole 9.8″ (25 cm) long. The special feature of the needle: one needle point is 1.8″ (45 mm) long, the other 2.8″ (70 mm).

New: The company Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG with the brand addi has been awarded with the DIN ISO 9001: 2008 Certificate for all related production processes…

In the addi social media channels it is hotly debated whether one can really knit socks in the round with our new circular needle, the addi „socks wonder“…

We also need a holiday and that is why we shall be taking 2 weeks company holidays between 25 July 2016 and 5 August 2016…

You can win an original model of the designer Ute Krugmann from our addiExpress Kingsize book „Winding instead of Knitting“…

During the h+h fair in Cologne we introduced to you our addiMaschenfix stitchholder, Item 416-2…

At h+h 2016 in March, we asked customers for their opinion of this little needle and the responses were so positive that we have now included it in the program...

Good tools, good work – this also applies to crochet. The right needle for every project and every hand makes crocheting easier and more enjoyable…

Good tools, good work – this also applies to crochet. The right needle for every project and every hand makes crocheting easier and more enjoyable…

addi has something special for you! You can win one of the new yellow addiClick sets, signed by the Knitting Queen Sylvie Rasch…

Already at the beginning of 2014, the decision was made for nickel-free electroplating in order to be able to offer the knitting world alternative surfaces to nickel...

At addi we have manufactured our knitting needles and crochet hooks for 187 years in our family business in Altena, Germany…

The devil has crept into our beautiful new addi catalog 2016. The new olive wood crochet hooks on page 25 have the item number 577-7....

addi new items 2016 – as Download. Because we only deliver to retailers, it could least some time until all novelties are in stock at your yarn shops…

Yay! The tree action worked great.
The motto of the h+h handicrafts fair in Cologne this year was: h+h goes green...

Fancy your own postcards? – Win them with your own idea
Dear addi fans, here is something hot and new from addi . Despite emailing, posting and twittering: sometimes it has to be a good old postcard, don’t you think ? …

Just in time for the handicraft fair h+h in Cologne the addi catalogue 2016 including all addi News 2016 reached us. He was expected with great excitement from addi dealers and addi fans already…

What have wild forests and sustainable stitches to do with addi?
Very much, because we bring much green and a real forest feeling to the hobby and handicraft 2016 in Cologne…

A lot of „Yeeha!“ at addi . Our trainees have passed their final exams with bravery. „Congratulations“ Vanessa and Athanasios and thank you for the delicious farewell dinner!…

In keeping with the current temperatures, addi is giving away a hooded scarf in beige...

With a needle fireworks addi says THANK YOU and wishes you a good start in 2016!

Our addi product videos are ready ?
You can view our new product videos not only at YouTube but directly at our website – all bundled up in the menu item „Service“ under „Product Videos“…

For current occasion:
Again and again we get calls with the indication that the exchangeable cords are missing in our addiClick sets…

Social media channels
In the Winter 2015 issue of the trade magazine “Handarbeit” there are details of addi’s activities in the social media.

We present to you Mr. Manfred Kirchherr, CEO and freethinker from the Rhineland area, he holds the reins in his hands for HR, purchasing and production…

As of now, addi is giving away the original models by designer Ute Krugmann from the new addiExpress Kingsize book "Kurbeln statt Stricken"...

Finally they are here, the brand new books for the addiExpress Kingsize...

"For knitting you need only needles - but the offer is now huge and very differentiated...

Our addiClick series with interchangeable knitting needle tips and ropes and the patented lock system has been growing steadily…

There is great news for all addiExpress fans: There is a new instruction book for the addiExpress King in work!…

addi-fans know certainly that addi produces 93% of its quality products in Germany. For this purpose, it naturally needs competent employees…

The location here in the beautiful Sauerland region was recently utilised for the first joint company walk, “addi – out into nature.”…

A deep look into production - that's no problem at all with Made in Germany.

addi pens make the world a little greener from now on...

Dear addi customers,
when sending the new addi price lists and catalogs by mail, the error devil crept in...

Thomas Selter is the owner and managing director of Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG. He is the 6th generation to run the family business. The company sells knitting and crochet needles, as well as accessories, worldwide under the brand name addi.

“Curtains up!” was the name of the game at the h&h from 27-29 March 2015, as he new fair stand had every component of a show stage – including theatre valance and platform – for new products. Thanks to Ms. Souvignier, whose decoration made it look fabulous…

The company Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG is something special, as it is the only remaining producer of knitting needles with a full range in Europe.

Since the h&h in Cologne, this year's new products from addi are also no longer a secret and have excited our trade fair visitors...

The only difficult thing about addiClick is deciding on a cord length for our popular, snag-free gold cords and one of the many different needle gauges…

At the h+h in Cologne, our customers can expect lots of surprises at our brand new stand...

We are proud of our production, our location and our employees, which is why regular factory tours are held at addi in Altena in Westphalia for those interested...

Thank you dear customers! We are very happy about the first place as manufacturer of knitting and crochet accessories in the overall ranking of the markt intern survey, here again what we have to say about it:

Look forward with us to the Handarbeit & Hobby in Cologne from 27-29.03. Hardly a day goes by when addi is not thinking about new products, working on project plans for the implementation of new ideas or talking about the fluttering in of a new customer suggestion to be presented at the h&h....

In the markt intern survey, addi took first place in terms of product quality...

addi is the only knitting needle manufacturer that produces 93% of its range of high-quality needlework aids in Germany…

With the latest generation of addiQuick Hobby felting machine felting is now even more effortless.

There is offspring from the house of addi! The colorful addiSwing crochet hooks may welcome their little sisters.

The Knitting-O-Mat causes a storm of enthusiasm at the h&h Cologne. With the Knit-O-Mat, the vending machine for knitting needles and wool, addi invents the needlework mini-branch.

addi has nothing to hide. Regular factory tours take place at addi in Altena.

Half of all new products from addi at the last h&h Cologne were created at the request of customers…

addiART – a beautiful, limited edition circular knitting needle with 148 sparkling Svarowski elements…

Probably the Egyptians already worked with knitting needles made of bone well over 2000 years ago…

A visit to addi in the town of Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia…