h+h trade fair in Cologne 2024

addi at the h+h trade fair in Cologne 2024

Welcome to the addi booth at the Handarbeit & Hobby trade fair from 22-24 March 2024

Messe 2024 Creative im Sauerland 01 addi auf der h+h Messe
Table of contents

The addi team looks forward to seeing you!

Predicate family-friendly company
‘Family-friendly company’ award

In 2023, we were awarded the title of "Family-friendly company". In an intensive examination by a jury consisting of chamber and association members, we were able to impress in various areas. For example, addi stands for the compatibility of work and family, for a very close relationship between employer and employees, for fair cooperation and for respect and a resulting family-friendly mission statement.

Influencer Blogger Titelbild addi auf der h+h Messe
Successful development
Partnership with influencers

Ein „Bloggermeeting“ am 20. September 2017 im Hause addi läutete eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung in der Zusammenarbeit mit bekannten BloggerInnen und InfluencerInnen der Handarbeitsbranche ein.

addi Produktion madeingermany polieren addi auf der h+h Messe
Digital factory tour
Digital addi factory tour – a look behind the scenes

Where do addi needles come from? How are addi knitting needles produced and how many steps are necessary from the raw material to the perfect addi knitting needle? We always like to show this to our guests during factory tours here in Altena. Now we would like to give you a little digital impression of our production of knitting needles and crochet hooks.