Predicate family-friendly company
In May of this year, there were eleven applicants who wanted to qualify for the "Family-friendly company" award. Among them was Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG, which has been family-run since 1829 and is based in Altena/Dahle.
Am 19. Oktober 2023 wurde das Prädikat „Familienfreundliches Unternehmen“ im Rahmen einer festlichen Verleihung an die Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin, Claudia Malcus, und die Assistenz der Geschäftsführung, Pauline Dörr, übergeben.

On the 31. August 23, after numerous tests and workshops, the company Selter finally convinced the jury in the last test of the predicate, the jury meeting.
The family business, which employs around 110 people who produce premium knitting needles and crochet hooks and distribute them in 60 countries worldwide under the addi brand, is characterized by a close-knit, personnel-oriented management team that also actively supports the future successor in family-friendly approaches.
The workforce is actively involved in the company's development, with voluntary profit sharing and a company suggestion scheme. In 2022, 89% of employees showed high satisfaction with their jobs.

On the 31. August 23, after numerous tests and workshops, the company Selter finally convinced the jury in the last test of the predicate, the jury meeting.
The family business, which employs around 110 people who produce premium knitting needles and crochet hooks and distribute them in 60 countries worldwide under the addi brand, is characterized by a close-knit, personnel-oriented management team that also actively supports the future successor in family-friendly approaches.
The workforce is actively involved in the company's development, with voluntary profit sharing and a company suggestion scheme. In 2022, 89% of employees showed high satisfaction with their jobs.

The working atmosphere is positive and many employees have been with the company for many years, some even up to 40 years. Home workers are integrated into company events and the company has a written commitment to equal opportunities, with a multicultural workforce of around 10 nationalities. In external communications, there is a strong focus on presenting the personnel benefits.
These are all success factors that convinced the jury in the end. On October 19, 23 the award was presented to the managing partner, Claudia Malcus, and the assistant to the managing director, Pauline Dörr, at a festive ceremony at the Schauburg in Iserlohn. In total, nine of the initial eleven companies made it.

The working atmosphere is positive and many employees have been with the company for many years, some even up to 40 years. Home workers are integrated into company events and the company has a written commitment to equal opportunities, with a multicultural workforce of around 10 nationalities. In external communications, there is a strong focus on presenting the personnel benefits.
These are all success factors that convinced the jury in the end. On October 19, 23 the award was presented to the managing partner, Claudia Malcus, and the assistant to the managing director, Pauline Dörr, at a festive ceremony at the Schauburg in Iserlohn. In total, nine of the initial eleven companies made it.
Selter still has some goals and optimization measures written down for the first recertification in three years and is looking forward to implementing them together with the employees.