
Product help, support and complaints

If you have a specific problem with or an individual question about your addi product, please contact your addi retailer. He is well informed and can help you the fastest in most cases.

Of course you can also contact us directly. Please use this form to do so - simply add the relevant images if required. We will do our best to answer you as quickly as possible.

In the event of a complaint, please send us a photo with the date and the corresponding proof of purchase.

For questions about maintenance and cleaning, follow this Link and download the appropriate instructions. Here you will find the relevant care instructions and other important information about your product.

    * Maximum size 5 MB, max. 2 files

    *Fields marked with a star are required fields

    Ankundigung hh25
    addi at the h+h cologne 2025

    Liebe addi-Partner, sehen wir uns in Köln? In der Zeit vom 07. bis 09. März 2025 laden wir Sie herzlich an unsere Stände in Halle 11.2 ein.
    Unter dem Leitthema „Crafting the future, eine Zeitreise mit addi“ erleben Sie mit uns eine faszinierende Zeitreise durch die Welt des Strickens und Häkelns.

    addi creative world frankfurt
    addi at the Creative World Frankfurt 2025

    Vom 07.-10.02.2025 ist addi zum ersten mal in diesem Jahr auch auf der Fachhandelsmesse Creative World in Frankfurt vertreten, die zeitgleich mit der Ambiente World und Christmas World stattfindet. Besuchen Sie uns in Frankfurt?

    addivent 2024 Titelbild
    Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year

    We wish you and your loved ones a happy and relaxed Christmas full of wonderful moments. May the new year 2025 bring you health, happiness and many inspiring ideas - and of course enough time to give free rein to your creativity.

    cropped banner catch whisper newsletter addi edited

    Glad you found us!

    Want info and exciting insights once a month? Then sign up now for the addiFan Whisper! And if there's something you've always wanted to know from us, feel free to ask!

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