Sock knowledge from A-Z

Which heel is the best for my foot?

When knitting socks, there are endless variations for shaping heels - for wide and small feet as well as for a flat or high instep.

In addition, some techniques are suitable for toe-up or top-down, while others are only suitable for one technique.

Each knitting technique for heels has its advantages and disadvantages, which we collect and compare in this article.

Welche Ferse ist die beste fur meinen Fus Welche Ferse ist die beste für meinen Fuß
Table of contents

Heel with short rows:

Heels with flap and gusset

Toe-Up Socken stricken mit addiCraSyTrio - kostenlose Anleitung für Anfänger / Flexiflip sock pattern / knitting toe up socks
Free tutorials
Sock knitting instructions

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, whether you want to knit classic top-down or toe-up socks, whether you are looking for basic instructions or new inspiration for sock patterns - with us you will find free instructions for socks, step by step with pictures and videos for every occasion. From basic instructions to different techniques - use the filter and find the knitting instructions that suit you. Have fun browsing!

Sockentabellen Seite Anleitungen Welche Ferse ist die beste für meinen Fuß
Knitting socks
Sock charts

In the charts you can find the cast on stitches for each shoe size with each yarn count, but also how, for example, the heel stitches are divided or how long the foot should be.

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