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Simply addi

addi philosophy

addi needles and hooks are synonymous with excellence for knitting and crochet fans around the world. And we couldn’t be happier: we have been working tirelessly in Altena since 1829 to meet the high demands our customers place on our products. Ongoing quality control throughout up to 25 manual stages of the production process, technological developments in production and regular exchange with our customers and our employees all help drive quality.

Table of contents

Our philosophy is told easily.
When our clients buy addi needles,
they get the best quality. Because, with the help of these,
knitting is much more fun.


‘Family-friendly company’ award

In 2023, we were awarded the title of "Family-friendly company". In an intensive examination by a jury consisting of chamber and association members, we were able to impress in various areas. For example, addi stands for the compatibility of work and family, for a very close relationship between employer and employees, for fair cooperation and for respect and a resulting family-friendly mission statement.

Zertifikat Familienfreundliches Unternehmen 2023 Gustav Selter Gmbh addi PFFU GUSTAV SELTER 2023 Philosophie
addi milestones

The history of the Selter company and the addi brand since 1829

The history of the Selter company and the addi brand begins with the founding of the Selter crochet hook factory in Altena in 1829. The brand name addi was first created in the 1950s together with the first catalogs and quickly became a success.

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Digital factory tour

Digital addi factory tour – a look behind the scenes

Where do addi needles come from? How are addi knitting needles produced and how many steps are necessary from the raw material to the perfect addi knitting needle? We always like to show this to our guests during factory tours here in Altena. Now we would like to give you a little digital impression of our production of knitting needles and crochet hooks.

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Innovation and sustainability
Our future.
Stepping up to our responsibilities.

At addi, we draw on our extensive expertise and experience to ensure sustainable growth and a long-term presence on the market.

Working at addi, training at addi
Working at addi

addi or the Selter company is a successful family business with more than 120 employees in the green heart of NRW, the Sauerland. This is where innovation meets tradition.

Managing Director Claudia Malcus and her daughter Pauline Dörr - addi by Selter
addi – a family business

addi respectively the company Selter as a successful family business in the middle of the green heart of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Sauerland. Here innovation meets tradition. In our valley in Altena, we produce knitting needles and crochet hooks of the highest quality with the brand name “addi” in the 6th generation and ship them to customers in 59 different countries. Made in Germany since 1829

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