addiNature Bamboo circular knitting needle
Everything fits here. Perfect joins, finest tips made from the best bamboo, a smooth surface, slippery thanks to the wax coating, and a very warm material. Just right to make you feel good. Of course, it’s made in Germany.
- Diese Bambus Rundstricknadel empfehlen wir für StrickerInnen, die eher mittel- bis locker stricken und für besonders glatte Garne – Due to the natural surface, stitches do not slip off the needle as easily.
- Even knitting fans with hand problems come here at their expense – due to the light and warm feel, the hands are less stressed and stay warm.
- A perfect knitting needle for beginners – the structure of the bamboo holds the stitches on the needle and the rounded tips make knitting easier for beginners.
Material: Tips made of extra robust and slow-growing bamboo, brass sleeves, plastic gold rope
The tip length is: for circular knitting needles up to 50 cm = 85 mm, for circulars over 60 cm = 125 mm.
40-150 cm | 2.5-10.0 mm