addiCraSyTrio Bamboo Short (24 cm)

SKU: 560-2

Made from high-quality Japanese bamboo with a high-quality wax coating, the Trio Bamboo is a particularly light and hand-warm alternative to the metal version.

They are almost silent when knitting, so wood lovers in particular will enjoy them. The intermediate length of 24 cm is suitable for all types of hands, whether large or small, who prefer shorter needle tips for small diameters such as socks and cuffs.

Material: Tips made of extra robust and slow-growing bamboo, (tip length 100 mm) brass sleeves, plastic gold rope

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Bamboo with brass bushes (approx. 90mm), plastic rope
socks, cuffs, gloves, baby clothes

24 cm | 2.0 - 5.0 mm

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