Reading for the soul.
For quiet hours alone, books are a great idea. Take a look at Sylvie Rasch’s books, which are not merely how-to books, because there is always something new to learn. Whether it’s techniques or basic knowledge. We’ll tell you more on the next pages.
Take it easy and enjoy some time with your friends or the peace and silence alone.
Sylvie Rasch has been knitting and crocheting since she was a child, but at that time still without any end result. It was only during her pregnancy that she rediscovered knitting and crocheting for herself.
Sylvie Rasch has been knitting and crocheting since she was a child, but at that time still without any end result. It was only during her pregnancy that she rediscovered knitting and crocheting for herself.
How did she then come to write books?
"“Writing a book was always a dream of mine, even as a child. Only back then I didn’t think it would be a knitting book. When I started publishing instructions, the dream grew again. Then I was happy when I was allowed to be a co-author of a book after winning a contest. From there, it was just a short leap to my first book of my own, which also bore my name.”
How did she then come to write books?
"“Writing a book was always a dream of mine, even as a child. Only back then I didn’t think it would be a knitting book. When I started publishing instructions, the dream grew again. Then I was happy when I was allowed to be a co-author of a book after winning a contest. From there, it was just a short leap to my first book of my own, which also bore my name.”
The first books
It all started in August 2011, when the first book with her as a co-author came out. Only four months later, Sylvie Rasch already published her first own book. In the meantime, there have been a few more, but they not only contain instructions, but also teach a wide variety of techniques or basic knowledge. And the best thing is that there is something for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, Sylvie has something up her sleeve for everyone.
Reach for the book and the needle, because Sylvie also thinks:
The first books
It all started in August 2011, when the first book with her as a co-author came out. Only four months later, Sylvie Rasch already published her first own book. In the meantime, there have been a few more, but they not only contain instructions, but also teach a wide variety of techniques or basic knowledge. And the best thing is that there is something for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, Sylvie has something up her sleeve for everyone.
Reach for the book and the needle, because Sylvie also thinks:
I think it’s a good balance for our stressful everyday life. Now that everything is becoming more digital, it’s also good to create something with your hands and use the finished work too.”
Sylvies favourite addi needle
„Hehe, da gibt es nicht nur Eine 😀 Ich liebe die Novel Nadeln, weil sie schön spitz sind, auch einfach toll aussehen und sich gut anfassen. Aber ebenso bin ich ein riesiger Fan der Olivenholz Stricknadeln, das Holz ist schön glatt und warm und sieht toll aus.
Fortunately, I always have several projects and can therefore use both almost in parallel. For crochet hooks its olive wood and walnut, simply because it feels nice to the touch. And for socks well, I love my trios in all variations.”
Sylvies favourite addi needle
„Hehe, da gibt es nicht nur Eine 😀 Ich liebe die Novel Nadeln, weil sie schön spitz sind, auch einfach toll aussehen und sich gut anfassen. Aber ebenso bin ich ein riesiger Fan der Olivenholz Stricknadeln, das Holz ist schön glatt und warm und sieht toll aus.
Fortunately, I always have several projects and can therefore use both almost in parallel. For crochet hooks its olive wood and walnut, simply because it feels nice to the touch. And for socks well, I love my trios in all variations.”