The history of the Selter company and the addi brand since 1829
The history of the Selter company and the addi brand begins with the founding of the Selter crochet hook factory in Altena in 1829. The brand name addi was first created in the 1950s together with the first catalogs and quickly became a success.
Find out more about our company history and some addi milestones here.

The beginning of the wire industry in Altena
In Altena (North Rhine-Westphalia), industrialization started in the 19th century with many so-called wire rolls, as a wire drawing mill was called. Here, wires were mainly produced by hand from lumps of metal.
Als im Jahre 1810 Peter Heinrich Selter (1789 – 1842) seinen väterlichen Hof in Ohle im Sauerland verließ, um im aufblühenden Drahtgewerbe der Burg- und Bergstadt Altena Brot und Arbeit zu finden, ahnte er nicht, dass er der Gründer eines Familienunternehmens werden sollte, das heute voll Stolz auf 5 Generationen zurückblicken kann, und in dem bereits die sechste heranwächst.
Peter Heinrich arbeitete zunächst in einem Altenaer Betrieb als „Zöger“ (Drahtzieher) und gehörte der schon Ausgang des Mittelalters berühmten Altenaer Drahtzieher-Zunft an.

End of the 19th century

At the end of the 19th century, the company moved from the city center to the Nettetal (Nettestraße 91). There, the production machines could be operated with water power. This led to a further upswing.
Gustav Selter was succeeded by his son Eugen Selter, who was born in 1886 and was predicted to have an excellent future as a company manager. Unfortunately, he was not able to prove this for long because he was called up for military service and was died in France in 1915 at the age of 29.

Eugen Selter's wife - Josefine Selter - took care of their only son, Gustav Adolf Selter, who was born in 1914, and ensured that the company continued to operate. She had an authorized signatory at her side who actively helped her with this.
Gustav Adolf Selter and his wife Hella Selter, born in 1913, continued to run the company together after the Second World War.
While Josefine Selter was to thank for the company's survival in difficult times, Hella Selter successfully brought the company through the Second World War and gave a lot of impetus that still has an effect today.


Ein zweites Standbein


End of the 1970s

Until 1986
The company manages to survive by drastically reducing its workforce and switching to the production of promotional items.
13 competitors in Europe did not survive this dry spell, including the company "Imra" (Johann Moritz Rump Altena), which was also based in Altena at the time.

From 1986 to 1996 the addi catalogue looked like this:

From 1990

"Change is risky and costs money, but if you focus on the opportunities, it usually works out."
This is the summary that Thomas Selter sums up




addi also invites you to the first blogger meeting in Altena-Dahle. A company tour and the subsequent presentation of the addiCraSyTrio by Sylvie Rasch will introduce the product innovation.
A worldwide(!) success story begins.



Mit Ökoprofit in die Zukunft
Seit jeher gehören die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein zur Firmenpolitik bei addi.
Diese achtsame Einstellung spiegelt sich auch in der Teilnahme am Projekt ÖKOPROFIT Märkischer Kreis wider, dessen Zertifikat seit 2020 alle zwei Jahre durch Einsparungen und Optimierungen in der Produktion erneuert wird.

Ein neues, frisches Design wird umgesetzt, dass die addi-Werte nun bunt und Farbenfroh transportiert.

Thomas Selter celebrated his 50th anniversary with the workforce on December 1, 2021. 2021 was the most successful year in the company's history to date.
Together with his wife Claudia Malcus, he led Selter through turbulent times at the end of the 1980s and has since set new records.


A new exhibition stand and the conversion of all packaging complete the new design concept.
The addi2go app is constantly being developed and supplemented with functions such as a sock calculator, custom projects and much more.
Der Handarbeitsboom dauert an – immer mehr junge Menschen fangen wieder an zu handarbeiten und entdecken der Wert selbstgemachter Kleidung und die entspannende Wirkung der Arbeit mit den Händen.

Die Geschichte von addi geht weiter. Zum 01.07.2020 übergab Thomas Selter einen wesentlichen Teil seiner Anteile an der Firma an seine Ehefrau Claudia Malcus.
Seine Stieftochter Pauline arbeitet bereits einige Jahre neben ihrem Studium im Unternehmen. Seit 2025 ist sie vollzeit als Junior Managerin dabei.

The addi brand is constantly being expanded with new and unique products. Whether ergonomic Novel seriestrendy Unicorn needles,naturaly knitting needles and Olive wood crochet hooks... the list of innovations is long.
The production of a full range of products in Germany makes addi products unique today. In order to survive in the market, Selter focuses on quality, customer service and innovation.